Monday, October 09, 2006


Let us return to my good friend in Iowa, who outraged .002% of the local populace when he got vanity plates reading "ITMFA;" he was promptly told by the Department of Motor Vehicles that his plates were offensive and that he'd have to turn them in. The greatest magazine in the world, REASON, posted an item on this on their "Hit & Run" blog, and apparently the guy who ratted on the plates e-mailed REASON's editors, quite proud of what he'd done and even insisting that he is the victim here. The Reasonoids have at him, and the result makes for very enjoyable reading.

Remember folks, insulting the President is treason, and treason is punishable by death (this doesn't apply when the president is Clinton).

updt: a fairfield cop came to my work on mon this wk. he was a dick to me (at first) & took my plates b/c the county DOT told him to. so i got replacement plates that day. i called the aclu who called the IA DOT, & the IA DOT said the cop & county DOT shouldn't have done that. the IA DOT called the county DOT & told them to give my plates back to me. i haven't yet retrvd them but i may. the aclu had reqsted a hearing w/ a judge & the IA DOT re: the plates.

what co are you working for now, hector?
A publishing company called... Ko-dan-sha, started by the villian in the fifth Godzilla film. Alright, enough with the bad Japanese jokes.
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