Sunday, February 18, 2007


Many people seem to worry these days that the U. S. of A. is not only becoming an empire, but one following the Roman model. Why the nervous nellies see this as a bad thing is beyond me--the Romans were cool, with their civic virtue, comfortable daywear, orgies, sacrifices to pagan gods, and melodic British accents. So why not embrace this trend and start where the Romans would--by deifying our dead leaders, starting with the likliest candidate of the lot, Ronald Wilson Reagan.

Since Congress doesn't seem to have much else to do these days, I think they should seriously consider a measure to officially confirm Reagan as a god of our nation. The bill would contain the following:
I'll send around an e-mail petition. We can make this happen, people.

"while Christians--who, it bears repeating, worship a foreigner"

very funny, hector! i love it!!
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