Saturday, May 24, 2008

Top Ten Reasons Why Paramount's "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the
Crystal Skull" will NOT be #1 at the box office this weekend.

-There's zero buzz about this film.
-SPOILER: Indiana only uses his whip to get better service at a
-Cate Blanchett attempts an Australian accent.
-SPOILER: Instead of snakes or bugs or rats, the overabundant pest in
this film is America On-Line diskettes.
-Shia LeBouf agreed to co-star only if the Transformers made a cameo.
-George Lucas and Steven Spielberg hired M. Night Shyamalan to do a
rewrite of the script.
-SPOILER: It turns out that Shia LeBouf is not Indiana's son but rather
his new butler.
-Although John Williams' "Raiders" theme is heard at the beginning, the
rest of the soundtrack is hip-hop songs.
-SPOILER: When Indiana causes yet another bar Marion owns to burn down
(this one lacking insurance), she goes into a frenzy and stabs him to death.
-Harrison Ford is too old to convincingly play a 65-year-old man.

it was the #1 movie, but it's absolute shit
here's another: after they get married, indiana ends up leaving marion for another woman--one who is half his age & 1/4 his weight
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